Investigators discover how key protein enhances memory and learning June 3, 2014Finding could pave way to cognitive disease therapies Case Western Reserve University researchers discovered that a protein previously...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Physician practice facilitation ensures key medical care reaches children May 29, 2014Discovery could lead to improved preventive medical care delivery processes Recently, a study of more than 16,000 patient...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Dental school researchers discover new method of isolating immune cells April 28, 2014Discovery allows researchers to study how immune cells ward off oral diseases Case Western Reserve University dental researchers...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Study shows aspirin can reduce colorectal cancer risks for those with specific gene April 24, 2014The humble aspirin may have just added another beneficial effect beyond its ability to ameliorate headaches and reduce...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Neuroscientist clinches prized Hartwell Individual Biomedical Research Award April 21, 2014When Roberto Fernández Galán, assistant professor of neuroscience, proposed investigating how neuronal activity in brain circuits relate to...AwardsFeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Study in ”Nature Immunology” finds novel population of white blood cells April 14, 2014Interleukin 17 producing and responding neutrophils exhibit enhanced microbial killing activity Case Western Reserve University researchers have discovered...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Researchers find microorganism shows promise in inhibiting thrush March 17, 2014Scientists at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine and University Hospitals (UH) Case Medical Center have discovered how...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Moms of children on life-sustaining devices embrace tips for managing stress March 13, 2014Many mothers with children on life-sustaining medical devices, such as ventilators and breathing or feeding tubes, suffer physical...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Researchers find byproducts from gum disease incite deadly oral cancer growth March 10, 2014Researchers from Case Western Reserve University have discovered how byproducts in the form of small fatty acids from...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Researchers developing technology to link patient records between hospitals, medical flight crews February 19, 2014New technology offers potential to begin connecting multiple medical systems Although trauma, heart and stroke patients benefit from...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·