Researchers developing technology to link patient records between hospitals, medical flight crews February 19, 2014New technology offers potential to begin connecting multiple medical systems Although trauma, heart and stroke patients benefit from...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Researchers discover pathway of protein that helps cancer cells survive February 17, 2014Case Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers’ discovery could lead to better treatment outcomes A team of researchers from Case...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
School of Medicine study shows autistic brains create more information at rest February 10, 2014Possible explanation for “withdrawal into self,” a characteristic of the disorder New research from Case Western Reserve University...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Researchers find depression symptoms, emotional support impact PTSD treatment progress February 6, 2014Many individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) also experience depression. Researchers at Case Western Reserve University found that...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Researchers discover breakthrough in understanding the secret life of prion molecules January 30, 2014New research from David Westaway, director of the Center for Prions and Protein Folding Diseases at the University...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Research team discovers key mechanisms to inhibit triple negative breast cancers January 28, 2014Findings could lead to life-saving treatments to fight tumor metastasis A team of researchers from Cleveland Clinic and...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Researchers discover chromosome therapy to correct a severe chromosome defect January 26, 2014Induced pluripotent stem cell reprogramming offers potential to correct abnormal chromosomes Geneticists from Ohio, California and Japan joined...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
CWRU wins $12.7 million for AIDS research, clinical trials January 22, 2014Top HIV research group expects additional $9 million over course of award AIDS researchers from Case Western Reserve...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Researchers at Case Comprehensive Cancer Center discover ovarian cancer biomarker January 13, 2014Researchers at Case Western Reserve University have identified a microRNA biomarker that shows promise in predicting treatment response...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Researchers receive NIH grant to study stents’ effectiveness January 13, 2014Researchers at Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals Case Medical Center hope to improve treatment and survival...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·