Review billing and financial aid for spring semester December 17, 2013Spring semester bills will be available this week. Read on to learn what the bill entails, how to...Student Life·
Meal plan changes for spring semester begin Dec. 18 December 15, 2013Students who wish to change their meal plans for the spring semester can do so through their MyHousing...Student Life·
Review the residence hall to-do list before leaving for break December 13, 2013Before leaving for winter break, students are asked to check their rooms to be sure: All windows are...Student Life·
Join University Counseling Services for study break Dec. 13 December 12, 2013University Counseling Services will hold a study break on Friday, Dec. 13, from 1 to 4 p.m. in...EventsStudent Life·
Undergraduates: Learn about bioethics master’s program at Dec. 12 webinar December 11, 2013The Department of Bioethics invites undergraduates to attend an informational webinar to learn about the master’s program in...EventsStudent Life·
In the midst of finals, review Kelvin Smith Library’s ID policy December 11, 2013As the university moves into final exams and library use increases, Kelvin Smith Library encourages library users to...Student Life·
Undergraduates: New Spartan Challenge entrepreneurship competition offers more than $20,000 in prizes December 10, 2013Undergraduate students from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Institute of Art and the Cleveland Institute of Music are...Student Life·
New “Bookstore Bucks” charge program now activated for spring semester December 10, 2013The “Bookstore Bucks” program, which allows students to charge textbooks and academic supplies directly to their financial accounts,...Student Life·
Bon Appetit Management Co. to hold food-related haiku contest December 10, 2013Bon Appetit Management Co. is sponsoring a “food haiku” contest. Visit any Bon Appetit Café on Wednesday, Dec....Student Life·
Attend the Global Leadership Exploration retreat to learn inclusive, effective leadership techniques December 9, 2013From Jan. 25 to 26, the Office of Student Activities and Leadership and the Center for International Affairs...EventsStudent Life·