Gain mindfulness skills in a group learning environment May 12, 2021The Office of Student Advancement and University Health and Counseling Services will offer a Koru Mindfulness series to...Student Life·
Gain mindfulness skills during a four-week course in April March 31, 2021The Office of Student Advancement and University Health and Counseling Services will host a four-session Koru Mindfulness course...Student Life·
Mindfulness Matters: Brief Mindfulness Activities in the Classroom January 8, 2021Are you interested in mindfulness and meditation? Would you like to learn more about those techniques and how...Faculty & Staff·
Koru Mindfulness workshops to be offered in January 2021 December 14, 2020The Office of Student Advancement and University Health & Counseling Services will offer two Koru Mindfulness sessions in...Student Life·
Workshop on stress reduction October 27, 2020A workshop covering stress reduction will be held Wednesday, Oct. 28, from 11 a.m. to noon. This session...Events·
Mindful parenting session October 27, 2020As part of Mindfulness Matters Week, a mindfulness parenting section will be held Tuesday, Oct. 27, from 1...Events·
Faculty team organizes Mindfulness Matters Week for campus community October 23, 2020The last few months have been marked by unparalleled stress and anxiety for many, as the COVID-19 pandemic...FeaturedUniversity News·
Mindfulness Matters Week: “The History, Benefits, and Potential of Mindfulness in Higher Education” October 21, 2020Mindfulness Matters Week will be held Oct. 26–30. It will kick off with a keynote by Mirabai Bush,...Events·