Incoming students: Begin preparing for fall semester registration

New students are advised to begin planning their fall semester course load. The shopping cart feature in the Student Information System (SIS) is a tool to help students plan their fall semester schedule. It is recommended that students place courses in their shopping cart in advance of registration (July 10-15).

The First-Year Registration Guide, which students can access from the First-Year Registration item on the New Student Checklist, includes step-by-step instructions to help them search for and place courses in their shopping cart. While reviewing courses, be sure to check:

  • Course status: is the course open or closed?
  • Days and times: When is the course offered? Does this conflict with any of the other courses you plan to take?
  • Credit hours: How many credit hours is the course worth?
  • Pre-/Co-requisites: Does the course have any pre-requisites or co-requisites?
  • Consent required: Although uncommon, enrollment in some courses may require consent from the instructor.

Beginning July 1, students logging into SIS will be asked to verify or update their mailing address, phone, email and emergency contact information. SIS will prompt students for this information twice per year (July 1 and Jan.1), but may revise a student’s contact data at any time.

Students should log in on—or soon after—July 1 to complete the updates before course registration on July 10.

Students working with the shopping cart should remember that the staff in the Office of Undergraduate Studies is available and eager to help with registration if necessary. Students can email or call 216.368.2928 for assistance.