AVP for Research Suzanne Rivera presents at Harvard law, biotechnology and bioethics conference May 31, 2012Suzanne Rivera, associate vice president for research and assistant professor of bioethics, recently gave a talk at the...Publications & Presentations·
Law’s Dale Nance gives talk at International Conference on Qualitative Justice and Fairness May 31, 2012Dale Nance, the John Homer Kapp Professor in the law school, recently traveled to Lisbon, Portugal, to give...Publications & Presentations·
Researchers root out the mechanisms behind mesenchymal stem cells’ healing effects May 25, 2012Could stem cells cure MS? The Scientist: A look deep in the inner-workings of mesenchymal stem cells points...Publications & Presentations·
School of Law Professor Calvin Sharpe edits symposium on ”Forgiveness, Reconciliation and the Law” May 21, 2012School of Law Professor Calvin Sharpe completed editing the Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Conflict and Dispute...Publications & Presentations·
Law’s Michael Scharf speaks before American Bar Association, International Criminal Law Network May 21, 2012Michael Scharf, the John Deaver Drinko-Baker & Hostetler Professor of Law and director of the Frederick K. Cox...Publications & Presentations·
Six students, SAGES lecturer to present in Toronto on literary journalism studies May 21, 2012A multidisciplinary group of students will present at the seventh International Conference for Literary Journalism Studies at Ryerson...Publications & Presentations·
Law’s Jessie Hill to publish articles on reproductive rights, religious speech and medical issues April 30, 2012Three articles by School of Law professor Jessie Hill will be published in upcoming journals: “(Dis)owning Religious Speech”...Publications & Presentations·
Law professor Jonathan Adler publishes papers, lectures around the country April 30, 2012Jonathan Adler, School of Law professor and director of the Center for Business Law & Regulation, recently published...Publications & Presentations·
Law’s Ruqaiijah Yearby presents, publishes on racial disparity in health care April 20, 2012Ruqaiijah Yearby, professor of law and associate director of the Law-Medicine Center, recently published two academic works: the...Publications & Presentations·
Andrew Pollis serves as panelist, moderator at recent law events April 20, 2012School of Law assistant professor Andrew Pollis recently participated as a panelist for the second Nathaniel R. Jones...Publications & Presentations·