Wellness Program offers R.I.S.E. Together series beginning next week

Join Patty de Vries, founder of Living WELL USA and past director of strategy and innovation for Stanford University’s Wellness Program, as she leads “R.I.S.E. Together,” a wellness series through Case Western Reserve’s University Wellness Program.

Participants will be challenged to:

  • Recognize your value and the value of your teammates.
  • Inventory your strengths and areas of opportunity.
  • Select your mindset (growth and one of a success story) to create psychological safety
  • Enjoy sharing your gifts!

Human beings were created to flourish in social groups. Although the pandemic isolated us, we now have new opportunities for connection and thriving. During this program, you will learn practical and science-based practices to “fill your own cup” while also strengthening your bonds with fellow faculty and staff. 

This program is available to all benefits-eligible faculty and staff and will take place Tuesdays from June 11 through July 30. Sessions will occur from noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom and will be recorded.

Learn more and register.