Wellness Program offers Grief Recovery Method Outreach Program

The Grief Recovery Method is the only evidence-based grief recovery program available in the U.S. It is an action-packed, powerful, directive experience that helps participants recover from their grief and heal their wounds. 

The Wellness Program will bring the Grief Recovery Method Outreach Program to the Case Western Reserve University campus this fall. Those experiencing death, divorce and other losses may be interested in attending.

Myths about grief include: 

  • Time heals all wounds; 
  • Replace the loss; 
  • Grieve alone; 
  • Be strong for others; 
  • Bury your feelings.

It is important to know that your feelings are normal and natural. The problem is that we have been socialized to believe that these feelings are abnormal and unnatural. Whether your loss is from death, divorce or the end of a relationship, loss of a career, loss of trust, loss of faith, loss of safety, or loss of health, this program is for you. The Grief Recovery Method Outreach Program provides partnerships and guidance to ensure that participants can let go, heal and move on with their lives.

Debbie Nadzam Melnyk will facilitate this eight-week series. Registration is open to all benefits-eligible faculty and staff members. Participation in this series counts toward the General Wellness Program Incentive for monthly Wellness Incentive recipients. Registrants may join at the first or second session and then registration will be closed.

The series will be held Wednesdays from Sept. 25 to Nov. 13 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Tinkham Veale University Center’s first-floor conference room (the Oct. 16 session will be in Thwing Center’s Cleveland Room).

Register to participate.