Introducing xLab—where Case Western Reserve students help shape digital strategies for established companies May 22, 2019xLab, a new Case Western Reserve University-based initiative, aims to pair tech-savvy student talent with some of Northeast...Business, Law & PoliticsFeatured·
What’s next? Eight outstanding CWRU grads share their on-campus experiences—and post-graduation plans May 17, 2019This Sunday, May 19, approximately 2,000 Case Western Reserve University students will take part in commencement ceremonies, beginning...FeaturedPeople·
Connecting on a personal level with students, Weatherhead School’s Jenny Hawkins wins both 2019 Jackson and Wittke awards May 16, 2019For most of her time as a mathematics undergraduate at Idaho State University, Jenny Hawkins was a shy...AwardsFeaturedPeople·
Study: Banning criminal conviction questions on job applications increases hiring of ex-prisoners March 25, 2019Efforts to ban such questions show promise to ease re-entry into workforce for increasing number of Americans with...Business, Law & PoliticsFeatured·
Study: In making banks less risky for consumers, the Dodd-Frank Act produced mixed results—at best March 14, 2019The Dodd-Frank Act, enacted in 2010 to promote economic stability and protect consumers in response to the 2008...Business, Law & PoliticsFeatured·
Meet the six finalists for the university’s $50,000 startup contest January 23, 2019More than 50 student- and alumni-led companies entered the second Morgenthaler-Pavey Startup Competition (MPSC)—nearly double the number from...Campus & CommunityFeaturedStudents·
Study: Consumer awareness—and judgments—of co-branding are greater than companies assume December 12, 2018To grow sales, more companies are teaming up to attract each other’s customers—and persuade their existing customers to...Business, Law & PoliticsFeatured·
Study: Hospitals adopting electronic health records at highest standard discharged patients sooner November 27, 2018Electronic health records (EHRs) produce savings for hospitals by reducing the average length of patient stays—but only in...Business, Law & PoliticsFeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Now accepting entries, Case Western Reserve’s flagship entrepreneurship contest opens second year with more startup support October 24, 2018Morgenthaler-Pavey Startup Competition offers $50,000 in prize money—and new perks for finalists The six finalists of the upcoming...FeaturedUniversity News·
The Howard T. McMyler Memorial Lecture October 12, 2018Join the Weatherhead School of Management’s economics department for the annual Howard T. McMyler Memorial Lecture Thursday, Oct....Events·