Support available in wake of natural disasters September 22, 2017In light of the recent destruction caused by hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters, the Office of the...Student Life·
2017-18 International Student Success Series: “Staying Healthy—Body and Mind” September 7, 2017The 2017-18 International Student Success Series continues with a talk titled “Staying Healthy—Body and Mind” Thursday, Sept. 14,...Events·
University launches coordinated approach to campus wellness August 29, 2017Think well. Live well. Be well. These six words sum up Case Western Reserve’s new, coordinated approach to...FeaturedUniversity News·
Film screening: Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic August 28, 2017Students are invited to a screening of Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic Friday, Sept. 8, from 2...Events·
New director of health services announced August 4, 2017Sara Lee is the new director of health services at Case Western Reserve. Lee is a board-certified pediatrician with...Appointments·
5 questions with…retiring University Health Service Director Nell Davidson July 14, 2017Eleanor “Nell” Davidson came to Cleveland in 1983 as a nephrology fellow at University Hospitals, where she expected...5questionsFeaturedPeople·
5 questions with… new director of counseling Richard Pazol May 26, 2017Throughout May, organizations and individuals across the country have celebrated Mental Health Awareness Month to raise awareness for...FeaturedPeople·
Summer service available at University Health and Counseling Services May 12, 2017Summer service will be available at University Health and Counseling Services from Wednesday, May 24, to Friday, Aug....Student Life·
Information about University Health and Counseling Services after graduation May 9, 2017University Health and Counseling Services will be available to graduating students through Friday, May 19. Staff can assist...Student Life·
Tobacco cessation resources available to students May 1, 2017University Health and Counseling Services offers resources to students looking to quit smoking. Tobacco cessation appointments University Health...Student Life·