“On the Threshold of Oblivion: Portraits of Holocaust Survivors in Chile” March 15, 2023Seeking refuge from the horrors of the Holocaust, some survivors rebuilt their lives in Chile, a corner of...Events·
“From A Flag is Born to Fauda: The Image of Israel in American Culture” March 10, 2023From the 1940s theatrical pageant A Flag is Born to the 1960s Paul Newman film Exodus, to American...Events·
“Love and Marriage: Five Evidence-Based Insights and Skills” February 28, 2023Throughout history, many have viewed love as an indescribable mystery. However, recent research on love and marriage has...Events·
“Russia and Ukraine: Taking Stock and Looking Forward” February 3, 2023Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, we have seen ebbs and flows on the battlefield, in...Events·
“Israel at 75: Golden Years or Midlife Crisis?” January 29, 2023Members of the Case Western Reserve University community are invited to join the Siegal Lifelong Learning Program for...Events·
Uncover the dichotomy between health as a personal responsibility and the external factors that affect it January 17, 2023Despite the many factors that affect our health, the notion of personal responsibility dominates many of our conversations—in...Campus & CommunityCampus Updates·
A conversation with Israeli author Omer Friedlander January 9, 2023The Siegal Lifelong Learning Program will host visiting author Omer Friedlander for a conversation titled “The Man Who...Events·
“All the King’s Men and Women: The March for Freedom for Montgomery to Memphis” January 5, 2023Join the Siegal Lifelong Learning Program for an upcoming in-person lecture in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.’s...Events·
Learn the ins and outs of digital music production December 7, 2022Build your digital music production skills during a four-week online “Foundations of Digital Music Production” course offered by...Campus & CommunityCampus Updates·
View Siegal Lifelong Learning Program’s catalog of upcoming personal enrichment programs December 5, 2022The Siegal Lifelong Learning Program’s catalog of personal enrichment programs for January, February and March 2023 is available...Campus & CommunityCampus Updates·