Law’s Miranda Leppla discussed possible ethical conflicts with PUCO’s attorneys September 26, 2022Special counsel hired to help Ohio regulators with document requests has multiple ties to HB 6 push ideastream:...Media·
Law’s Miranda Leppla discussed NOPEC’s dropping of customers September 26, 2022Amid rising energy costs, Ohio aggregator dumps its 550,000 electric customers Ohio Capital Journal: Miranda Leppla, director of...Media·
Law’s Miranda Leppla discussed the possibility of a new billion-dollar Honda facility in Ohio September 7, 2022Leaders hope Honda chooses Ohio for $4.4 billion battery factory, but some worry HB6 scandal could be factor...Media·
Law’s Miranda Leppla discussed the deferred prosecution agreement with FirstEnergy August 24, 2022Freeze of regulator’s HB 6 cases could further harm Ohio consumers Cleveland Scene: Miranda Leppla, director of the...Media·
Law’s Miranda Leppla discussed how climate change will affect Ohio August 3, 20225 ways climate change will cost Ohio taxpayers plenty Columbus Dispatch (subscription required): Miranda Leppla, director of the...Media·
Law’s Miranda Leppla discussed challenges transit agencies face to curb emissions May 16, 2022Ohio transit agencies face high hurdles in quest to reduce carbon emissions Columbus Dispatch (subscription required): Miranda Leppla,...Media·