Take part in Diversity 360 training November 4, 2015Don’t miss the chance to take part in Diversity 360 and join more than 2,000 others who have stepped...Student Life·
Hear about a faculty member’s personal journey in physical sciences at next Power of Diversity event November 3, 2015The Power of Diversity series will continue with a faculty speaker Monday, Nov. 9, at 3 p.m. in...Campus UpdatesEvents·
Join the dialogue: Participate in Undergraduate Diversity Collaborative’s first Critical Conversation October 19, 2015The Undergraduate Diversity Collaborative (UDC) will host its first Critical Conversation Wednesday, Oct. 21, from 6 to 8...EventsStudent Life·
VP Marilyn Mobley to deliver keynote in Portugal on diversity and inclusion in higher education October 16, 2015A recognized leader in diversity and inclusion in higher education, Marilyn Sanders Mobley often is approached for insight...Publications & Presentations·
CWRU receives fourth consecutive national award for excellence in diversity and inclusion October 5, 2015For the fourth consecutive year, Case Western Reserve University has received national recognition for its diversity and inclusion...AwardsFeatured·
Diversity Think Forum to be held during homecoming with roundtable on African-American philanthropy October 2, 2015The Diversity Think Forum will be held Thursday, Oct. 8, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in the Tinkham...Campus UpdatesEvents·
Maria Hinojosa to kick off CWRU’s “Power of Diversity Lecture Series” September 24, 2015Maria Hinojosa, an award-winning trailblazer in news and investigative journalism, will kick off Case Western Reserve University’s “Power...EventsFeatured·
Marilyn S. Mobley, David Fleshler co-author article for ”Insight Into Diversity” July 24, 2015Marilyn S. Mobley, vice president of the Office for Inclusion, Diversity and Equal Opportunity, and David Fleshler, associate...Publications & Presentations·
5 questions with…chemistry department chair, diversity award winner Mary Barkley May 29, 2015Mary Barkley isn’t afraid of change. In fact, she’s often the one inciting it—especially when it comes to...5questionsFeatured·
Undergraduate Diversity Collaborative seeks spot in Student Executive Council April 17, 2015Case Western Reserve undergraduates have until 11:59 p.m. next Friday (April 24) to vote on a proposal to...Featured·