Implicit bias lunch series to address single-parent households March 9 February 24, 2016The Organizational Development & Learning Unit of the Department of Human Resources will continue its lunch series on...Faculty & Staff·
Learn about the differences between introverts and extroverts at the next implicit bias lunch series event February 17, 2016The Organizational Development & Learning Unit of the Department of Human Resources will continue its lunch series on...Faculty & Staff·
Implicit bias lunch series to address disabilities at Feb. 17 workshop February 3, 2016The Organizational Development & Learning Unit of the Department of Human Resources will continue its lunch series on implicit...Faculty & Staff·
Verify new dependents for 2016 before Open Enrollment October 13, 2015Employees planning to add dependents to their benefits for the 2016 calendar year who are not covered by...Faculty & Staff·
Attend town hall meetings to learn more about benefit, wellness programs October 13, 2015The Department of Human Resources will hold town hall sessions about 2016 benefits and wellness programs for faculty...EventsFaculty & Staff·
Plan for retirement with workshop designed specifically for women October 9, 2015The Flora Stone Mather Center for Women, Department of Human Resources and TIAA-CREF will offer a series of...Faculty & Staff·
Support Staff Educational Enhancement Fund at Steps4Staff Sept. 25 August 26, 2015The sixth annual Steps4Staff will be held Friday, Sept. 25, beginning at 3 p.m. in front of Adelbert...EventsFaculty & Staff·
Organizational Development and Learning Unit to host series on conflict management, workplace violence August 21, 2015Conflict happens, and so everyone needs to develop the skills to manage it effectively. When managed properly, conflict...EventsFaculty & Staff·
Learn “The Five Languages of Appreciation” with six-part brown bag lunch series August 13, 2015Lisa Board-McShepard, a training analyst in organizational development and learning in the Department of Human Resources, will lead...Faculty & Staff·
Learn how to effectively network at Aug. 21 lunch-and-learn session August 12, 2015The Organizational Development & Learning Unit of the Department of Human Resources will hold a brown-bag lunch-and-learn session,...Faculty & Staff·