Everyday Antiracism—“Curiosity: The Passenger”

Love fiction and looking to spark your thinking and action on antiracism? Case Western Reserve University faculty and staff members are invited to join the Wellness Program for the first in a series of informal discussions with Mark Joseph, the Leona Bevis/Marguerite Haynam Professor in Community Development at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences.

During the Everyday Antiracism series, Joseph will discuss stories from his recently completed volume, Changing the Narrative: Short Stories to Advance Everyday Antiracism. The first session, “Curiosity: The Passenger,” will be held Tuesday, Sept. 17, from 1 to 2 p.m. via Zoom. This session will explore how a routine plane flight had an unnecessarily tragic conclusion.

There will be four sessions in this series this fall.

Register for the first event.