Discover how to be happier and more satisfied at work

Faculty and staff members at Case Western Reserve University are invited to join the Wellness Program for an eight-week series to learn how to be happier and more satisfied at work. Led by positive psychology expert Stella Grizont, “The Work Happiness Method Series” will include weekly live training sessions, pre- and post-series assessments, weekly worksheets, access to class recordings and gentle email and text reminders to help participants stay on track. 

This series fits into the Career Well-being Program Incentive category.

Grizont takes an evidence-based, energetic, and supportive approach to help individuals identify a clear vision for their professional path and make a plan to move forward.

The program will be held on Mondays from Sept. 9 to Oct. 28 from noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom.

Register for the program.