NASA Glenn Research Center, CWRU Fusion partner to commercialize new water-purification technology December 3, 2015Cleveland Water Alliance also part of joint effort aimed at regional economic development NASA Glenn Research Center scientists...FeaturedScience & Tech·
CWRU biologists find keys to driving a cockroach November 18, 2015Sensorimotor neurons in central complex encode for movements Researchers at Case Western Reserve University have identified neurons in...FeaturedScience & Tech·
CWRU researcher to transform clot makers into clot busters October 28, 2015Sen Gupta adapting platelet technology to treat stroke and heart attack A Case Western Reserve University researcher has...FeaturedScience & Tech·
Researchers pursue ideal ingredients for cartilage recipe October 26, 2015A five-year, $2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health will allow researchers at Case Western Reserve...FeaturedScience & Tech·
Researchers unveil open-source modeling software to enable mesoscale design and assembly October 23, 2015As molecular-level electronic, photonic and biological devices grow smaller, approaching the nanometer scale, chemists, physicists and materials scientists...FeaturedScience & Tech·
CWRU leads solar power study inspired by field of medicine October 21, 2015DOE funds worldwide project to diagnose solar panel weaknesses, spur technologies to extend lifetime performance and predictability Researchers...FeaturedScience & Tech·
Case-Coulter Translational Research Partnership awards $1 million for promising biomedical engineering projects at CWRU October 14, 2015The Case-Coulter Translational Research Partnership has announced more than $1 million in funding and support for the 2015...FeaturedScience & Tech·
CWRU researchers find sensory feedback shapes individuality October 13, 2015We can quickly tell from the way someone walks whether that person is young or old, male or...FeaturedScience & Tech·
New nanomaterial maintains conductivity in three dimensions October 7, 2015International team seamlessly bonds CNTs and graphene An international team of scientists has developed what may be the...FeaturedScience & Tech·
$3.73 million federal grant awarded to Case Western Reserve-led education alliance October 6, 2015Program designed to produce more minority students with doctoral degrees in STEM In the last decade, national attention...FeaturedScience & Tech·