Results of employee health risk assessment are in April 3, 2013Last fall, Case Western Reserve University faculty and staff had the opportunity to complete a free, private Health...Health & Wellness·
CWRU nurse researchers find effort takes its toll on unpaid family caregivers November 7, 2012According to AARP, the annual cost of unpaid elder caregiving—a responsibility that falls primarily to family members—totals about...Health & Wellness·
Researchers find preterm labor therapy offers promise for inflammatory diseases October 23, 2012Magnesium sulfate is given to many pregnant women to treat preterm labor and preeclampsia, and it was recently...Health & Wellness·
Drug reverses abnormal brain function in Rett syndrome mice October 4, 2012A promising study out in the Journal of Neurosciences showed that in a mouse model of Rett syndrome,...Health & Wellness·
Study shows Alcoholics Anonymous participation promotes long-term recovery September 26, 2012A new study published in a special issue of Substance Abuse finds that recovering alcoholics who help others...Health & Wellness·
Case Western Reserve researchers create short-term memories in-vitro September 25, 2012Ben W. Strowbridge, professor of neurosciences and physiology/biophysics and Robert A. Hyde, a fourth-year MD/PhD student in the...Health & Wellness·
Researchers find body’s genetic material could aid regenerative medicine, cancer therapy September 12, 2012Some of the body’s own genetic material, known as small interfering RNA (siRNA), can be packaged and then...Health & WellnessResearch·
Mom’s emotional health, education linked to teen’s oral health, says CWRU dental study September 5, 2012A mother’s emotional health and education level during her child’s earliest years influence the child’s oral health at...Health & Wellness·
New oncogene identified for breast cancer that could lead to new treatments August 16, 2012Case Western Reserve University researchers have taken a dramatic step forward in the fight against cancer—all by starting...Health & Wellness·
School of Medicine researchers discover gene that permanently stops cancer cell proliferation August 2, 2012Imagine curing cancer without nausea, hair loss, swelling or any of the other maladies that can accompany chemotherapy...Health & Wellness·