Weatherhead’s Richard Boyatzis quoted on topic of managerial coaching practices January 2, 2014What criticism does to your employees’ brains Inc.: Richard Boyatzis, Distinguished University Professor, was quoted on the topic...Media·
Astronomy’s Stacy McGaugh discusses Low Surface Brightness galaxies January 2, 2014Astronomers still puzzle over ‘low surface brightness’ galaxies Forbes: Stacy McGaugh, professor of astronomy, discussed the puzzling Low...Media·
Possible error found by Law’s Jonathan Adler could unravel ACA December 20, 2013The case that could topple Obamacare Newsweek: In 2011, Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of Law, believed...Media·
Law’s Craig Nard weighs in on the Patent Power Index December 20, 2013Patent power: Strong ideas start here Crain’s Cleveland Business: Craig Nard, the Tom J.E. and Bette Lou Walker Professor...Media·
Kids with the common cold don’t need a doctors’ visit, says Medicine’s Sharon B. Meropol December 18, 2013Kids’ coughs, colds may last weeks but don’t need drugs Reuters: Sharon B. Meropol, assistant professor of pediatrics,...Media·
Psychology’s Julie Exline recommends comparing yourself to you, not others December 18, 2013How to stop the friend comparathon Self: Julie Exline, associate professor of psychology, discussed how people should move...Media·
Researchers use neural prosthetics to study brain injury December 18, 2013Neural prosthetic is a “bridge” over damaged brain areas IEEE Spectrum: Researchers from Case Western Reserve University and...Media·
Chemical engineering’s Mohan Sankaran discusses new method of creating nanodiamonds December 16, 2013Nanodiamonds are a researcher’s best friend The Columbus Dispatch: Mohan Sankaran, associate professor of chemical engineering, developed a...Media·
Nursing’s Michael Decker discusses the negative impact of caffeine on sleep, studying December 16, 2013All-nighters and caffeine may not help during finals week, professor says: Higher education roundup The Plain Dealer: Michael...Media·
Psychiatrist Sylvia Rimm discusses competition in childhood, success in later life December 12, 2013How to tell if your child is too competitive In her study, Sylvia Rimm, clinical professor of...Media·