Case Western Reserve University visible at celebration for discovery of cystic fibrosis gene October 28, 2014Faculty and clinicians among those to reflect on CFTR gene discovery 25 years ago and on current treatment...Featured·
Nursing school receives nation’s largest Nurse Faculty Loan Program grant October 28, 2014For many students at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University, finding a...AwardsFeatured·
Welcoming you back from fall break: a new look for October 27, 2014Tomorrow visitors will see a new Case Western Reserve University—at least online. By the evening of Tuesday, Oct....Featured·
$4.6 million from NIH puts CWRU Synchrotron lab on track to become No. 1 in world October 27, 2014Case Center for Synchrotron Biosciences assembles cutting-edge new beamlines at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, N.Y. Case Western...Featured·
11-time Jeopardy! champion—and champion for ”nerd culture”—to speak at CWRU October 24, 2014Northeast Ohio’s Arthur Chu gained national attention for becoming an 11-time Jeopardy! champion in March. Now he’s capitalizing on that...EventsFeatured·
5 questions with…homecoming queen, UPB president Erika Brentar October 24, 2014As University Program Board (UPB) president, senior Erika Brentar has a hand in planning many of Case Western...5questionsFeatured·
Three student startups in national Blackstone LaunchPad competition October 23, 2014Student entrepreneurs from Case Western Reserve University will pitch their startup businesses to a panel of investors in...Featured·
Relive Homecoming Weekend with highlight video; alumni award winners named October 23, 2014It began with a blastoff. And included a Broadway star. People went Beyond the Fence. And cheered a...EventsFeatured·
Common spice could help extend lives of mesothelioma patients October 22, 2014A common Asian spice and cancer-hampering molecules show promise in slowing the progression of mesothelioma, a cancer of the...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Scientists wield plant viruses against deadly human disease October 22, 2014Case Western Reserve University researchers hope to take a healthy salad up a level by growing a vaccine...FeaturedScience & Tech·