CWRU Shield smartphone app aims to encourage safe behaviors, speed emergency response time April 9, 2014Free Android and iPhone app to use Indoor Positioning System technology to help safety teams find emergencies within...Featured·
Celebrate real-life superheroes at this weekend’s Relay For Life April 9, 2014Last weekend, Marvel’s Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier hit the big screen, featuring superheroes battling adversity with...EventsFeatured·
Middle-school dance marathon generates yearly donations to CWRU autism research and education April 8, 2014For the last five years, students at Eastlake Middle School, about 20 miles northeast of Cleveland, spend half...Featured·
CWRU to assume management of historic Town Hall of Cleveland speaker series April 8, 2014Author, activist Gloria Steinem to open 2014-15 series Sept. 9 at new Tinkham Veale University Center Town Hall...Featured·
Study reveals leaders are wired to be task-focused or team-builders, but can be both April 7, 2014What sort of leader are you? Do you think leading is all about a laser-like focus on the...Business, Law & PoliticsFeatured·
5 questions with…chemistry PhD candidate, GSS representative Shu Situ April 4, 2014Today marks the end of Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week at Case Western Reserve University—a week filled...5questionsFeatured·
CWRU launches master planning effort with survey of community April 3, 2014Today Case Western Reserve launches the first phase of its major master planning effort: learning how faculty, staff...Featured·
Using big data to identify triple-negative breast, oropharyngeal and lung cancers April 3, 2014Researchers at Case Western Reserve University and colleagues used “big data” analytics to predict if a patient is...Featured·
Students to hack hardware, software and data to build security skills April 2, 2014Come fall, students at Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland State University will begin hacking computers—for credit. Each...Featured·
CWRU’s Squire Valleevue Farm now providing healthy fare to Cleveland Metroparks Zoo animals April 1, 2014Adds mushroom cellar, worm farm and aquaponic growing room Case Western Reserve University’s Squire Valleevue Farm in Hunting...Featured·