Social Case Amateur Radio Club Field Day Start: 6/22/19 12:00 pm End: 6/23/19 12:00 pm Location: Squire Valleevue Farm, 37125 Fairmount Blvd., Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Speakers and Lectures “Syrian Use of Chemical Weapons and the Changing Law of Humanitarian Intervention” Start: 6/21/19 12:00 pm End: 6/21/19 1:30 pm Location: 25700 Science Park Dr., Beachwood
Training and Workshops Seminar: “How to Have a Professional and Respectful Workplace” Start: 6/20/19 10:00 am End: 6/20/19 11:00 am Location: Biomedical Research Building
Social Wade Oval Wednesdays Start: 6/19/19 6:00 pm End: 6/19/19 9:00 pm Location: Wade Oval, 10820 East Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio
Speakers and Lectures “An Afternoon with David & Richard Stradling” Start: 6/19/19 3:00 pm End: 6/19/19 4:00 pm
Speakers and Lectures Juneteenth Celebration Start: 6/19/19 2:00 pm End: 6/19/19 4:00 pm Location: Tinkham Veale University Center
Social Out to Lunch concert series: The Major Minors Start: 6/19/19 11:30 am End: 6/19/19 1:30 pm Location: Toby's Plaza
Social Tomlinson Patio Party on Thursday features brats Start: 6/19/19 11:00 am End: 6/19/19 1:00 pm Location: Tomlinson Marketplace
Informational Mail-Order Prescription Transition Information Sessions Start: 6/18/19 2:00 pm End: 6/18/19 3:00 pm Location: Biomedical Research Building Auditorium BRB105