University Circle Wade Oval Wednesdays Start: 7/17/19 6:30 pm End: 7/17/19 9:30 pm Location: Wade Oval
University Circle Out to Lunch Series: OPUS 216 Start: 7/17/19 11:30 am End: 7/17/19 1:30 pm Location: Toby's Plaza
University Circle Shape Up Sunday Start: 7/14/19 10:00 am End: 7/14/19 12:00 pm Location: Toby's Plaza
Informational Export Controls information session Start: 7/11/19 12:00 pm End: 7/11/19 1:00 pm Location: Adelbert Hall
Social Tomlinson Patio Party: Grilled peaches and biscuits Start: 7/11/19 11:00 am End: 7/11/19 1:00 pm Location: Tomlinson Hall
University Circle Wade Oval Wednesdays Start: 7/10/19 6:00 pm End: 7/10/19 9:00 pm Location: Wade Oval
Speakers and Lectures PRCHN Seminar Series—“Investigating Public Responses to Racial Health Disparities: Findings from the AmeRicans’ Conceptions of Health Study” Start: 7/10/19 12:00 pm End: 7/10/19 1:15 pm Location: BioEnterprise Building
University Circle Out to Lunch Series: Luca Mundaca Start: 7/10/19 11:30 am End: 7/10/19 1:30 pm Location: Toby's Plaza
Training and Workshops Safe Zone Advocate Start: 7/10/19 10:00 am End: 7/10/19 12:00 pm Location: Sears Building