Alpha Chi Omega begins spring recruitment February 24, 2021Alpha Chi Omega is a sisterhood that brings its members together in a community of academic, social and...Student Life·
SOURCE offers funding for research related to arts, humanities, social sciences and energy issues February 23, 2021Support for Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors invites CWRU students to apply for funding through the Summer Undergraduate...Student Life·
Show off your past study abroad photos for a chance to win prizes February 22, 2021Relive your study abroad experience with Case Western Reserve University by entering the Study Abroad Throwback Photo Contest....Student Life·
Apply to serve on the Academic Integrity Board February 22, 2021The Academic Integrity Board is now accepting applications for undergraduate students. The Academic Integrity Board is a group...Student Life·
Nominate faculty members for the John S. Diekhoff Awards for Graduate Teaching and Mentoring February 22, 2021Do you know a CWRU faculty member who is an outstanding teacher or mentor to graduate students? Nominate...Student Life·
Undergraduates: Apply for funding to conduct STEM research February 22, 2021Support of Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors is offering funding for Case Western Reserve University undergraduates conducting research...Student Life·
Office of Multicultural Affairs offers scholarship for underrepresented minority students February 22, 2021The Office of Multicultural Affairs invites underrepresented minority undergraduate and graduate students to apply for the OMA Unity...Student Life·
Financial aid applications for continuing students due March 1 February 19, 2021Applications for need-based financial aid are due March 1. To be considered for need-based financial aid (grants, loans...Student Life·
Sigma Psi hosts get-to-know-you activities February 18, 2021Sigma Psi will host get-to-know-you events to help students learn more about the chapter over the next few...Student Life·
Free student tickets available for virtual author events February 17, 2021Writers Center Stage spring events featuring authors Yotam Ottolenghi, Brit Bennett, Tara Westover and Terry Tempest Williams The...Student Life·