Annual Thai Food Festival taking place today on the Quad September 14, 2012The Thai Student Association (TSA) will host its annual Thai Food Festival on Monday, Sept. 17. The festival’s...EventsStudent Life·
Learn tips for earning a research position during upcoming SOURCE sessions September 13, 2012Undergraduate students: Looking for a research position? Learn tips on earning one during upcoming information sessions. SOURCE (Support...EventsStudent Life·
Good with wires? Help out at the toy repair workshop to benefit children with disabilities September 13, 2012RePlay for Kids will host a toy repair and modification workshop to benefit children with disabilities in Northeast...EventsStudent Life·
Get Out the Vote with trivia, giveaways and free pizza at Thwing Tuesdays September 13, 2012Next week’s Thwing Tuesdays theme is Get Out the Vote, featuring button-making, political trivia with prizes, Spartan foam-finger...EventsStudent Life·
Learn the basics of budgeting in Friday’s Money 101 seminar September 12, 2012Now that you’re on your own, you have to make some tough decisions, like figuring out what comes...EventsStudent Life·
Sign the pledge to show “Words Matter” during community hour event September 12, 2012The campus community is invited to join the student organization Words Matter and sign the pledge to demonstrate...EventsStudent Life·
Graffiti Live! brings color to campus Sept. 16 in UPB-sponsored event September 12, 2012On Sunday, Sept. 16, from noon to 6 p.m., the University Program Board will bring in graffiti artists...Campus UpdatesStudent Life·
Middle Eastern Cultural Association kicks off fall semester with meeting tonight September 12, 2012The Middle Eastern Cultural Association will hold its kickoff meeting Sept. 12 at 8:30 p.m. in Bellflower Lounge,...EventsStudent Life·
Be a Civic Engagement Scholar September 11, 2012The Center for Civic Engagement and Learning is currently accepting applications for students interested in participating in the...Student Life·
Community service Rotaract Club to hold kickoff meeting Sept. 12 September 10, 2012The Rotaract Club, a new community service-oriented club at Case Western Reserve, will hold a kickoff meeting Sept....EventsStudent Life·