Learn how hunger affects millions during Oxfam American Hunger Banquet April 20 April 18, 2012The Oxfam American Hunger Banquet will be held April 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Interfaith Center at...Campus UpdatesEvents·
Bake sale to be held April 20 to raise funds for Garden@Case April 18, 2012Members of the Garden@Case will hold a bake sale on Friday to raise funds for the garden, located...Campus UpdatesEvents·
WISER awards banquet to be held April 19 to honor students, present awards April 18, 2012The Women in Science and Engineering Roundtable (WISER) will have its first WISER Awards Banquet April 19, 6:30-8...Campus UpdatesEvents·
Case Men’s Glee Club to hold annual spring concert April 21 April 18, 2012The Case Men’s Glee Club will hold its annual spring concert April 21 at 7 p.m. in Amasa...Campus UpdatesEvents·
Vergil Week celebration to be held April 22-27 April 17, 2012Case Western Reserve University will hold its annual Vergil Week celebration April 22-27 with events across campus. Conceived...Campus UpdatesEvents·
Attend a symposium on “Addiction, Neuron, Brain and Society” April 25 April 17, 2012The campus community is invited to attend a symposium on “Addiction, Neuron, Brain and Society” April 25 from...Campus UpdatesEvents·
Updated version of WebDrive available on Software Center April 17, 2012Information Technology Services (ITS) has updated WebDrive to version 10.1 on the Software Center. It is available as...Campus Updates·
Friday discussion group to focus on U.S., French presidential elections in time of crisis April 17, 2012Join faculty, staff and students from across campus for Friday’s Public Affairs Discussion Group, titled “SARKOBAMA: Two Presidential...Campus UpdatesEvents·
Language expert to teach four-week Chinese course in June April 16, 2012Members of the campus community are invited to attend a four-week Chinese course taught by Duan Liu, a...Campus UpdatesEvents·
Get involved on Earth Day with stream cleanup event April 16, 2012Celebrate Earth Day with Case Western Reserve University and the Doan Brook Watershed Partnership by helping clean up...Campus UpdatesEvents·