Lin Mei, from the School of Medicine, says coronavirus may harm the brain April 15, 2020Medical experts suspect COVID-19 coronavirus capable of harming the brain MSN News: Lin Mei, professor and chair of...Media·
Killing the coronavirus works best with soap, says Med School’s Scott Frank April 15, 2020Coronavirus Questions Answered: Can An Instant Pot Kill The Coronavirus? Ideasteam: Scott Frank, director of public health initiatives...Media·
Robert Salata, of the School of Medicine, highlights similarities, differences between coronavirus, allergies April 15, 2020Media·
Med School’s Scott Frank and Mark Cameron discuss divides highlighted by coronavirus April 15, 2020The Pandemic Will Cleave America in Two The Atlantic: Scott Frank, an associate professor in the Department of...Media·
Law school deans Jessica Berg and Michael Scharf explain how moot court is still in session—despite coronavirus April 15, 2020Not all moot court is adjourned; some go online The National Jurist: Jessica Berg and Michael Scharf, co-deans...Media·
Daniel Tisch, from the School of Medicine, says social distancing is the best tool in our toolbelt April 15, 2020Social distancing dramatically changed Ohio’s coronavirus outlook. Could the U.S. have done even better? Daniel Tisch, associate...Media·
How long does COVID-19 last? Med School’s Mark Cameron provides some insight April 15, 2020From Infection to Recovery: How Long It Lasts Elemental: Mark Cameron, an immunologist and medical researcher in the...Media·
Med School’s Rana Hejal shares what it’s like on the front lines of coronavirus April 15, 2020Behind the ventilator: Specialists provide breaths for COVID-19 patients Cincinnati Enquirer: Rana Hejal, a clinical associate professor of...Media·
Mark Cameron, of the School of Medicines, warns of lifting lockdown too soon April 15, 2020Toronto’s SARS Outbreak Provides a Cautionary Tale of Lifting a Lockdown Too Soon WKSU: Mark Cameron, an associate...Media·
Economics professor Sue Helper shares manufacturing realities of supplies needed to combat coronavirus outbreak April 15, 2020The coronavirus pandemic has exposed how profit-driven decisions undercut the US’s ability to fight an outbreak Business Insider:...Media·