Medicine’s Mahmoud Ghannoum discussed the future of gut health July 20, 2022What exactly is gut health, and why is it important? Yahoo: Mahmoud Ghannoum, professor at the School of...Media·
Medicine’s Ryan Marino discussed the dangers of “herbal abortions” July 20, 2022Doctors debunk ‘herbal abortion’ viral videos Gizmodo: Ryan Marino, assistant professor at the School of Medicine, discussed the...Media·
Law’s Kevin McMunigal discussed the complexities of charging Trump for Jan. 6 insurrection July 20, 2022Experts agree that Trump likely committed a crime on Jan. 6—charging him is a bit more complicated Toledo...Media·
Law’s Jonathan Adler discussed Justice Thomas’ opinion on stare decisis July 20, 2022Justice Thomas singled out for racist slurs after Roe v. Wade overturned Washington Times: Jonathan Adler, the Johan...Media·
Law’s Jessie Hill discussed Ohio “heartbeat bill” July 20, 2022Advocates worry about what ‘Heartbeat Bill’ means for pregnant rape victims, cancer patients Dayton Daily News: Jessie Hill,...Media·
Weatherhead’s Michael Goldberg discussed rising costs due to inflation July 20, 2022Average monthly car payments reach record high, topping $700 WEWS: Michael Goldberg, associate professor of design and innovation...Media·
Law’s Jonathan Adler discussed the EPA Supreme Court Case July 19, 2022EPA lives to fight another day Politico: Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of Law and director...Media·
Law’s Sharona Hoffman discussed travel cost reimbursements for employees seeking out-of-state abortions July 19, 2022How companies offering to cover travel for out-of-state abortions might work NPR: Sharona Hoffman, the Edgar A. Hahn...Media·
Law’s Jessie Hill discussed potential legal troubles doctors face post Roe v. Wade decision July 19, 2022Doctors face unprecedented legal risks after Roe overturn ABC News: Jessie Hill, the Judge Ben C. Green Professor...Media·
Weatherhead’s Jonathan Ernest discussed Cleveland’s status as the “most stressed city” July 19, 2022Cleveland ranks as most-stressed city in the country, according to WalletHub WEWS: Jonathan Ernest, assistant professor of economics...Media·