Law’s Jonathan Adler discussed federal court decision to strike down required HIV insurance coverage September 9, 2022Court ruling on HIV meds could have sweeping implications for preventive care Axios: Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij...Media·
Law’s Juscelino Colares discussed the agreement to price cap Russian Oils September 9, 2022G7 price caps on Russian oil—will they work? International Business Times: Juscelino Colares, the Schott-van den Eynden Professor...Media·
Law’s Cassandra Burke Robertson discussed Pat DeWine’s refusal to recuse himself from cases involving Governer DeWine September 9, 2022Ohio Justice Pat DeWine won’t recuse himself from gerrymandering cases involving his dad The American Independent: Cassandra Burke...Media·
Engineering’s Dhruv Seshadri discussed a possible future of testing exercise intensity September 9, 2022Five ways you’ll exercise smarter in the future Wall Street Journal: Dhruv Seshadri, research engineer at the Case...Media·
Social Sciences’ Robert Fisher discussed illiteracy and its connection to other income disparities September 8, 2022Ohio juvenile prisons focus on improving literacy this school year WEWS: Robert Fischer, associate professor and the co-director...Media·
ArtSci’s David Hammack defined non-profit organizations September 8, 2022The nonprofit industrial complex: What is it and how does it work? Teen Vogue: David Hammack, the Hiram...Media·
PoliSci’s Justin Buchler discussed Pennsylvania Rep. Scott Perry’s involvement in the Jan. 6 attack September 8, 2022Catch up on the Fetterman vs. Oz race, Rep. Perry’s brush with the FBI and more Erie Times-News:...Media·
Law’s Jessie Hill discussed how local police departments can fight back against abortion bans September 8, 2022Lakewood unanimously passes resolution to not prioritize police funds for abortion-related offenses WEWS: Jessie Hill, the Judge Ben...Media·
Law’s Miranda Leppla discussed the possibility of a new billion-dollar Honda facility in Ohio September 7, 2022Leaders hope Honda chooses Ohio for $4.4 billion battery factory, but some worry HB6 scandal could be factor...Media·
Weatherhead’s Michael Goldberg discussed changes the pandemic brought to American work culture September 7, 2022What the “quiet quitting” trend says about our changing expectations of work ideastream: Michael Goldberg, associate professor of...Media·