Tuition Exchange Webinar

Tuition Exchange Webinar NovemberNov 03 2021 12:00pm - 01:00pm

Case Western Reserve University is a member of the Tuition Exchange, a consortium of more than 600 private and public not-for-profit colleges and universities that provide tuition assistance to dependents of individuals who work at participating schools.

Employees and their families are invited to learn more about the Tuition Exchange program and application process during a webinar Wednesday, Nov. 3, at 12 p.m. Eastern with Rick Bischoff, vice president for enrollment management; Amy Sheldon, director of benefits administration; and Maria Smith, manager of benefits, in the Department of Human Resources.

Register to join the webinar.

Eligible employees planning to pursue the Tuition Exchange benefit for a dependent child for the fall of 2022 must submit an eligibility certification form (PDF) to Human Resources by Jan. 15 prior to the fall term for which the student plans to enroll in college. The Office of University Financial Aid will notify employees within three weeks of receiving a completed eligibility certification form.

Review more details about the Tuition Exchange benefit and application process.

Those who supervise individuals who do not have regular access to The Daily are asked to share this notice with them.

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