Weatherhead School’s Michael Goldberg describes how political unrest may affect spending January 22, 2021Small business owners worry any political unrest on Inauguration Day could mean a change in spending habits WEWS:...Media·
Weatherhead School’s J.B. Silvers comments on including insurance companies to accelerate COVID-19 vaccinations January 21, 2021Use the private sector—especially insurance companies—to speed up COVID-19 vaccines MarketWatch: J.B. Silvers, the John R. Mannix Medical Mutual...Media·
Weatherhead School’s J.B. Silvers explains health insurance companies’ approaches to paying for COVID-19 treatments January 15, 2021OH Really? explores COVID’s impact on the cost of health care WKSU: J.B. Silvers, the John R. Mannix Medical...Media·
Spartan Showcase: Gautham Chitturu and Will Schwartzman January 12, 2021Year: SeniorsMajors: Neuroscience and healthcare management (Chitturu); biomedical engineering (Schwartzman)Minors: Chemistry and economics (Chitturu); sociology (Schwartzman) As individuals...Connect·
Thought Leaders Series: “Leading in a Time of Crisis” with Richard Boyatzis January 8, 2021Weatherhead School of Management will host a Thought Leaders Series event with Richard Boyatzis, Distinguished University Professor and...Events·
Master of Healthcare Management information session January 8, 2021Whether you are looking to move up in your organization or to transition into the health care field,...Events·
Spartan Showcase: Vaibhav Khurana December 22, 2020Program: MBA/MSM–FinanceYear: Third-year Vaibhav Khurana knows firsthand how data visualization can be the key to effective decision-making. A...Connect·
Weatherhead School’s Richard Boyatzis awarded Lifetime Achievement Award for contributions to leadership coaching December 18, 2020Richard Boyatzis, the H.R. Horvitz Professor of Family Business, professor of organizational behavior and Distinguished University Professor at...Awards·
Submit a proposal for the Goodyear Innovation Challenge December 15, 2020A collaboration between The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company’s Akron Innovation Lab and Case Western Reserve University offers...Student Life·
Emeritus Trustee A. Malachi Mixon passes away December 9, 2020Emeritus Trustee A. Malachi Mixon, an entrepreneur whose leadership transformed a little-known Northeast Ohio business into a global...FeaturedPeople·