Nominate an outstanding faculty member by Feb. 17 for John S. Diekhoff Award February 11, 2014The deadline to nominate a faculty member for the John S. Diekhoff Award is Feb. 17. This award...Student Life·
Spectrum to host annual drag show on Valentine’s Day February 11, 2014Spectrum, Case Western Reserve’s student LGBTQA+Allies student group, will host CWRU Paul’s Drag Show (formerly known as Drag...EventsStudent Life·
Apply for summer research funding by Feb. 15 February 10, 2014The deadline to apply for SOURCE summer funding for engineering and science projects and P-SURG summer funding for...Student Life·
Writing Resource Center kicks off workshop series with look at thesis statements Feb. 14 February 10, 2014The Writing Resource Center will kick off its spring series of workshops Feb. 14 with a look at...EventsStudent Life·
Church of the Covenant to hold free monthly brunch this Sunday February 7, 2014Student Community@Covenant will host its monthly student brunch this Sunday, Feb. 9, from 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m....EventsStudent Life·
Participate in “Dodgeball Showdown” Feb. 9 February 5, 2014Engineers of SocioEconomic Neutral Spaces (ESENS) will host a “Dodgeball Showdown” on Sunday, Feb. 9, from 5:30 to...EventsStudent Life·
Undergraduate Student Nurses Association to host annual “Nightengala” Feb. 7 February 5, 2014The Undergraduate Student Nurses Association will host “Nightengala,” an evening of food, fun and cocktails, on Friday, Feb....EventsStudent Life·
Students to host bingo fundraiser for Guatemalan health care clinics February 4, 2014On March 8, a group of students will travel to Antigua, Guatemala, for a short-term study abroad course...EventsStudent Life·
Learn about positive organization development master’s program at Feb. 4 online session February 3, 2014On Tuesday, Feb. 4, leaders of the Masters of Program in Positive Organization Development (MPOD) will host “Coaching...EventsStudent Life·
Learn about Peace Corps at two events today February 3, 2014Peace Corps Recruiter Annabel Khouri will be on campus Monday, Feb. 3, to provide information to students about...EventsStudent Life·