Participate in “Dodgeball Showdown” Feb. 9

ESENSEngineers of SocioEconomic Neutral Spaces (ESENS) will host a “Dodgeball Showdown” on Sunday, Feb. 9, from 5:30 to 10 p.m. in Adelbert Gymnasium.

The round-robin tournament guarantees participating teams at least four games. There is a five-person team minimum, and at least one female must be on each team. Prizes will be awarded.

A $3 per person entry fee will be accepted in cash or CaseCash.

ESENS is a community engagement and social justice project heavily influenced by sociological research. The group seeks to look at multicultural experiences and how to reduce intergroup biases by connecting University Circle and other Cleveland metropolitan populations in meeting grounds facilitated by the group. These meeting grounds are supplemented with a wide array of arts and sciences performances, including poetry readings, live music, film viewings, visual arts galleries and general scientific lectures.