EndNote X7 now available for download on Software Center December 13, 2013EndNote X7 for Windows and Macintosh now is available on the Software Center. Case Western Reserve University students,...Campus Updates·
Support ending for Windows XP, Office 2003; download free upgrades in Software Center December 10, 2013Microsoft will be ending its support for Windows XP and Office 2003 on April 8, 2014. This means...Campus Updates·
Data computation, analysis and visualization software now available at Software Center November 14, 2013Matlab R2013b is now available to Case Western Reserve University faculty and staff as a free download from...Faculty & Staff·
Apple operating system Mavericks not yet compatible with VPN October 30, 2013Apple has released its latest operating system, OS X 10.9 Mavericks, as a free upgrade on its App...Campus Updates·
Parallels Desktop 9 now available for download on Software Center October 18, 2013Parallels Desktop 9 is now available on the Software Center for $39 to Case Western Reserve University students,...Campus Updates·
Stata 13 now available for download through Software Center October 10, 2013Stata 13 is now available through the Information Technology Services (ITS) Software Center to Case Western Reserve University...Campus Updates·
Symantec Endpoint Protection now available though Software Center October 7, 2013Information Technology Services now offers Symantec Endpoint Protection version 12.1.3 is available as a free download on the...Campus Updates·
Upgrade ChemBioDraw Ultra, LabView today on the Software Center June 26, 2013ChemBioDraw Ultra 13 and the spring 2013 release of LabVIEW now are available at softwarecenter.case.edu. ChemBioDraw is the...Campus Updates·
Mac users: Download Fetch for free from the Software Center June 13, 2013Fetch 5.5.3 is now available on the Software Center website, softwarecenter.case.edu, as a free download to Case Western...Campus Updates·
Mac users: Run Windows, Linux or Google Chrome OS through Parallels software May 6, 2013Parallels Desktop 8 is now available on the Software Center (softwarecenter.case.edu) for $39 to CWRU students, faculty and staff...Campus Updates·