“Demystifying Work Life Balance, Including During Times of Disruption” March 25, 2020An online workshop for faculty titled “Demystifying Work Life Balance, Including During Times of Disruption,” led by Rena...Events·
“Building Networks of Support for a Successful Academic Career, Including During Times of Disruption” March 25, 2020The Flora Stone Mather Center for Women will host an online workshop for doctoral students and postdocs led...Events·
Flora Stone Mather Center for Women March 9, 2020To recognize Women’s History Month as well as yesterday’s International Women’s Day, we’re highlighting the Flora Stone Mather...Connect·
Women’s History Month Wikipedia Edit-a-thon March 4, 2020Join the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women and the Freedman Center for Digital Scholarship for a Wikipedia...Events·
“Fourth Trimester Symposium: Surviving and Thriving, Pregnancy and Beyond” February 25, 2020Editor’s note: This event has been cancelled. The Women’s Initiative Committee of the Postdoctoral Association and the Flora...Events·
“Elect Her!” February 20, 2020Running Start, a nonpartisan nonprofit that inspires young women to run for office, is hosting “Elect Her!” on...Events·
Paint Nite for Graduate Women in STEM February 11, 2020All women graduate students in STEM are invited to the launch of the Graduate Student Discussion Group with...Events·
Funding and support for STEM ventures offered through PRISE January 27, 2020Undergraduate women in STEM are encouraged to apply for the Program Rewarding Innovation in STEM Entrepreneurship (PRISE), a...Student Life·
Flora Stone Mather Center for Women Director Angela Clark-Taylor to chair National Women’s Center Summit/Women’s Center Pre-Conference December 20, 2019Angela Clark-Taylor, director of the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women, was asked to chair the National Women’s...Appointments·
Flora Stone Mather Center for Women offers professional and leadership develop program for tenured women faculty November 5, 2019The Flora Stone Mather Center for Women is recruiting for the eighth class of its professional and leadership...Faculty & Staff·