Master of Science in Clinical Research virtual open house April 17, 2024Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine molds future health leaders and scientists. Students are encouraged to pose...Events·
“The War on Drugs is a War on Us: How Criminalization Targets Disenfranchised Communities” April 17, 2024The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Learning Group based in the Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences will...Events·
Medicine’s Fredrick Schumacher examines link between vitamin supplements and mortality risks from heart disease and cancer April 15, 2024How calcium and vitamin D supplements can affect the risk of dying by cancer and heart disease Healthline: Fredrick...Media·
Medicine’s Scott Frank receives award from Association for Prevention Teaching and Research April 5, 2024The Association for Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR) recently selected Scott Frank, assistant professor emeritus in the Department...Awards·
Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences tabling March 11, 2024Members of the Case Western Reserve University community can learn about the master’s and PhD programs offered through...Events·
Medicine’s Fredrick Schumacher discusses cancer study conducted in East Palestine February 16, 2024East Palestine 1 Year Later: Part 3: Are we safe? Cleveland 19 News: Fredrick Schumacher, associate professor in the Department of...Media·
Brainstorming session: “Reducing Disparities in Advance Care Planning” February 16, 2024Members of the Case Western Reserve University community are invited to attend the next meeting of the Department...Events·
Virtual Open House with the Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences February 12, 2024At this virtual event, representatives from the Department of Quantitative and Population Health Sciences will share insights on...Events·
Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences’ master’s programs information session January 3, 2024Join representatives from Case Western Reserve University’s Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences Sunday, Jan. 7, to...Events·
Master of Public Health and Master of Science in Clinical Research in Population and Quantitative Health Sciences information session January 2, 2024Members of the Case Western Reserve University community are invited to a virtual information session on the Master...Events·