CWRU community remembers first-year student Ally Piepho January 11, 2013Ally Piepho’s parents thought of their daughter as a renaissance woman. The Naperville, Ill., native adored art, singing,...Featured·
Psychology’s Anthony Jack discusses empathetic vs. analytic thought January 7, 2013Academic Minute: Empathy and analytic thought Inside Higher Ed: In last week’s “Academic Minute,” Anthony Jack, assistant professor...Media·
Humans can’t be empathetic, logical simultaneously, says cognitive science’s Anthony Jack November 7, 2012Humans can’t be empathetic and logical at the same time PopSci: A new study led by Anthony Jack,...Media·
Researchers lead first-ever study on ecstasy’s effects on fetal, infant development March 5, 2012A study led by Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, in collaboration with the University of East...Health & Wellness·
CWRU student becomes 400,000th member of Alpha Phi Omega March 1, 2012Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity initiated a Case Western Reserve University student as its 400,000th member since...Awards·
Richard Boyatzis, Tony Jack talk flaws of traditional testing December 13, 2011Ohio to upgrade standardized testing WKSU: Research by Richard Boyatzis, professor of organizational behavior, and Tony Jack, assistant...Media·