Science Cafe: AI in research April 3, 2024Hosted by the Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative, Science Cafe is a monthly educational series that gathers together...Events·
“A Local Perspective: Understanding Priorities, Processes, Data Gaps, and Research Opportunities from Government Officials” March 26, 2024Members of the Case Western Reserve University community are invited to join the Clinical Translational Science Collaborative of...Events·
Fireside Chats with Leading Ladies March 6, 2024In March, the Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative will host a series of fireside chats to honor the...Events·
Black Maternal Health Equity Summit February 28, 2024The Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative of Northern Ohio is teaming up with over 25 statewide, regional, and...Events·
“Requirements to Reduce Health Disparities from The Joint Commission” February 20, 2024The University of Washington in St. Louis developed the Translational Science Benefits model, which identifies 30 benefits of...Events·
“Joint Commission Standards for Healthcare Equity Accreditation” February 9, 2024The Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative of Northern Ohio will host a Research Equity, Accessibility, Diversity, and Inclusion...Events·
Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative Black History Makers Series February 6, 2024The Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative (CTSC) at Case Western Reserve University will host the Black History Makers...Events·
Discussion on the Association of American Medical Colleges’ Principles of Trustworthiness Toolkit February 5, 2024The Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative (CTSC) of Northern Ohio will host the next Research Equity, Accessibility, Diversity,...Events·
Medicine’s Grace McComsey and Gelise Thomas discusses plans to increase research inclusion in hospitals February 2, 2024Northeast Ohio communities are working with hospitals to increase inclusion in research ideastream: Grace McComsey, professor and principal investigator...Media·
Complete a survey to share your thoughts on co-learning with the Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative January 12, 2024The Co-Learning Team of the Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative (CTSC) Community and Stakeholder Engagement module is surveying...Campus & CommunityFaculty & Staff·