Law’s Jonathan Adler calls for conservatives to take climate policy seriously August 27, 2021Following the release of the most recent United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, Jonathan Adler,...Op-ed·
Physics’ Cyrus Taylor, Philip Taylor discuss climate change findings August 18, 2021New climate change report puts Earth at ‘tipping point’ WCPN: Cyrus Taylor, the Albert A. Michelson Professor in Physics,...Media·
Weatherhead School’s David Clingingsmith writes about carbon fee and dividend to combat climate change August 6, 2021David Clingingsmith, associate professor of economics at Weatherhead School of Management, wrote a piece advocating for a carbon...Op-ed·
Biology’s Sarah Diamond discusses her study on the threats of the climate emergency and mass extinction June 15, 2021Landmark report links Earth’s 2 biggest existential threats for the first time Gizmodo: Sarah Diamond, the George B....Media·
Medicine’s Martin Nweeia discusses his research on narwhals April 21, 2021Narwhal tusks may indicate effects of climate change, say scientists Nunatsiaq News: Martin Nweeia, assistant professor at the School of Dental...Media·
Climate Reality Campus Corps: CWRU Chapter spring semester kickoff meeting March 16, 2021The Climate Reality Campus Corps: Case Western Reserve University Chapter will host its spring semester kickoff meeting Thursday,...Events·
Conversations on Climate JUSTICE February 23, 2021The Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence at Case Western Reserve University will host a Conversations on...Events·
“Development of Innovative Curriculum on Climate Change for First-Year Medical Students” February 15, 2021The Swetland Center for Environmental Health will host its February seminar, titled “Development of Innovative Curriculum on Climate...Events·
Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence continues Conversations on JUSTICE series with discussion on climate change February 8, 2021The Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence at Case Western Reserve University has confirmed the next event...FeaturedUniversity News·
Sunrise CWRU orientation and skills training December 16, 2020Three members of the Sunrise CWRU organization will host an orientation and skills training on Sunday, Dec. 20,...Events·