Students can authorize individuals to view financial information

Only students can use the Student Information System (SIS) for financial transactions, unless they authorize others to access their account.

Students passing the tuition payment responsibility to someone else must authorize the university to share financial information with that person. To make that authorization, students must follow the instructions below:

  • Log in to SISystem at
  • From the Student Center homepage, click the “Authorized Users” link in the Personal Information tab.
  • This will bring users to the Authorized Guest Setup screen. Use this screen to set up an authorized user account for parents, spouses or other third parties.
  • Authorized users with financial access can view a student’s bill, billing history, account activity and pending aid and can make an online payment.
  • Authorized users with access to Student Center also can waive the health plan fee ($820 per semester) if the student is covered under a family member’s health insurance plan.

The Student Financial Guide describes the authorization process on page 20. Students can pick up a copy of the guide in the Student Financial Services Office (Yost Hall, Room 145) or at