UCITE First Friday: “Syllabus Ideas to Engage and Information Students”

UCITE First Friday: “Syllabus Ideas to Engage and Information Students” FebruaryFeb 11 2022 11:40am - 12:30pm

In a 2018 Chronicle of Higher Education article titled “How to Create a Syllabus,” Professor Kevin Gannon offered ideas to better engage and inform students using a course syllabus, explaining it as more than a checklist or contract. Instead, he argued, the syllabus sets the tone for a course and explains what students will get out of the experience.

To help Case Western Reserve University faculty members find out how they can do that, the university Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education (UCITE) will host a First Friday workshop titled “Syllabus Ideas to Engage and Information Students” Friday, Feb. 11, from 11:40 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Herrick Room of the Allen Memorial Medical Building. This event has been rescheduled from its original date of Feb. 4 due to the snow day.

During this session, Jenny Hadingham, assistant director of UCITE, will explore ideas from recent articles to consider syllabus options that may work for you and your students. Participants will consider ideas that might work with their personality, teaching style and disciplines.

Pizza and soda will be provided, adhering to university protocols on the safe handling of food during the pandemic.Email ucite@case.edu for more information.

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