The Case Western Reserve University Virtual Private Network (VPN) underwent a significant change today.
What changed?
Case Western Reserve incorporated two-factor authentication into the VPN. Two-factor authentication provides added security by prompting you for a unique code in addition to your password. The unique code is usable only once, and it is accessible from the device of your choosing (typically your cell phone). Each time you log in, you are issued a new code.
Starting today, Jan. 26, you will see a “Second Password” field when you access the VPN using the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client. This purpose of this new field is to accommodate the two-factor authentication code.
What do I need to do?
Right now, enrollment in DuoSecurity (CWRU’s two-factor authentication service) is optional. If you are not enrolled in DuoSecurity, simply enter some arbitrary text in the “Second Password” field and log in normally. You will be unable to log in if you leave this field blank.
If you are enrolled in DuoSecurity, you enter your unique code. To learn how to access this code, visit
Why is this change occurring?
Two-factor authentication protects your account in the event that your password is stolen. VPN is the first university service to receive this added protection, with others soon to follow on a mandatory basis. All members of the university community are encouraged to enroll in DuoSecurity two-factor authentication today. For more information, visit
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