Two hands pointing at paperwork on clipboard

Résumé workshop

Students are invited to a résumé workshop led by Lockheed Martin’s Brian Neiss Friday, Feb. 2, from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in Nord Hall, Room 356.

Amy Lindberg and Derrik Best, both employees of Lockheed Martin and 2017 graduates of Case Western Reserve University, will join Neiss.

At the workshop, students will have 15 minutes to look through actual résumés and work in groups to select the top three for two different engineering disciplines. This places the students in the company’s shoes of how many résumés they receive, and how little time they have to review them.

Students also are asked to bring two copies of their résumés to the workshop—one to give to Neiss and another to mark up during the workshop.

Neiss will not provide handouts; students are expected to take notes on their on resumes.

This event is also meant to help students prepare for the spring 2018 Career Fair.

Food will be provided.

The workshop is open to all students, but those who are interested are required to signup via Handshake to ensure there is enough material and food at the workshop.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers and Division of Engineering Leadership and Professional Practice will sponsor this event.

Download the flier. (.jpg)