The Residence Hall Association’s (RHA) fall community council elections are under way and applications are now live at rha.case.edu. In RHA, one of the largest student organizations on campus, members work in community councils to put on events for their communities, communicate resident needs to administration, and grow as leaders.
All residents are eligible to run for any council positions, from leadership development chair to president of their council. To learn more about positional duties and requirements for first-year, second-year and upperclass students, interested residents can visit rha.case.edu.
Applications are due at 11:59 p.m. on Aug. 29. Voting will go live Sept. 3 and close at 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 4. For more information on election rules, requirements, and opportunities, contact VP of Public Relations Thomas Franco at rha-publicrelations@case.edu.