Several new time entry codes now are available in PeopleSoft HCM to track and document leaves. The following new codes are to be used for Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)-qualified leaves:
- FMLSS (personal FMLA leave, sick)
- FMLSV (personal FMLA leave, vacation)
- FMLSU (personal FMLA leave, unpaid)
- FMLFS (family FMLA, sick)
- FMLFV (family FMLA, vacation)
- FMLFU (family FMLA, unpaid)
- PPL (paid parental leave)
FML indicates that the absence is FMLA-qualifying. S/F indicates whether the leave is for yourself or a family-related exigency. S/V/U indicates whether the leave will be paid through accrued sick or vacation time. If you or your employee has used all available sick or vacation time, the leave becomes unpaid.
Under university policy, in order to qualify for Paid Parental Leave (PPL) an employee must also qualify for FMLA leave—that is, the employee must have worked for the university for a minimum of one calendar year with at least 1,250 hours worked during the 12 months prior to the start of FMLA leave.
The existing VAC, SICK, SICKFM and UNPDL codes will remain in use for prescheduled vacation time and any sick or unpaid absences not related to an FMLA-qualifying leave.
If you have further questions about the live process or time entry while you, or employees under your supervision, are on leave, contact Human Resources at or 216.368.2268.