Need career advice? Ask the Career Center on Twitter through its new #Hashing It Out program

The Career Center always has offered students resources online through its website, but now it seeks to expand the convenience of receiving career advice from virtually anywhere through its latest program, #Hashing It Out.

#Hashing It Out will be an ask-and-answer sequence on Twitter, which users can follow with the hash tag #chatcwrucc. On Oct. 4, from 1 to 2 p.m., a career counselor will respond to questions posted with the #chatcwrucc hashtag and any additional questions that surface.

The topic for October’s chat is “After the Career Fair,” offering a chance to answer questions students may have after attending the recruiting event regarding follow up, continuing their search, interviewing or other career-related questions. The Career Fair will take place Oct. 3 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Veale Recreation, Athletic and Convocation Center.

Follow the Career Center on Twitter at @CWRUcc. Tweet questions using the hashtag or follow the conversation at #chatcwrucc.

For more information, visit the Career Center website at