Multidisciplinary CWRU team presents at “Three-Dimensional Experiences of Ancient Environments” symposium in Greece

Last month, a diverse team of scholars from Case Western Reserve University presented at the “Three-Dimensional Experiences of Ancient Environments” symposium in Greece. 

Presenters included:

  • Maggie Popkin, professor of art history
  • Justine Howe, chair and associate professor of religious studies
  • Elizabeth Bolman, chair and professor of art history and the Elsie B. Smith Professor in the Liberal Arts
  • Clara Pinchbeck, PhD candidate in art history
  • Mark Griswold, faculty director of the Interactive Commons, the Pavey Family Designated Professor of Innovative Imaging, and professor of radiology at the School of Medicine
  • Erin Henninger, executive director of the Interactive Commons

Among their presentations, Griswold, Henninger and Popkin demonstrated the mixed-reality model of the Sanctuary of the Great Gods that Popkin developed in collaboration with the Interactive Commons and colleagues at Emory University. The presentation was well received by the approximately 150 people in attention and several thousand online attendees.

Learn more about the symposium

The symposium was co-sponsored by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and CWRU, a contribution funded by an Expanding Horizons Initiative Experimental Humanities grant from the College of Arts and Sciences.

Popkin spoke about the international symposium with H Kathimerini, one of Greece’s largest newspapers. Read the article.