Medical Director Elizabeth Click to serve on panel on how to enhance employee engagement

Recent surveys reveal alarming rates of disengagement and burnout, with only one-third of employees saying their organization cares about their well-being. There is a clear need for employer-driven solutions that support employee well-being. 

Elizabeth Click, medical director at Case Western Reserve University, will explore this topic as part of a panel titled “Enhancing Employee Experience to Drive Workforce Engagement, Productivity, and Related Outcomes” at the Health Enhancement Research Organization Forum24 in Baltimore on Oct. 9.

This panel session will share research that highlights why employee experience at work is a critical pathway to a more holistic approach to employee wellbeing. Panelists will share findings from a new study to support this pathway, followed by examples of how three universities are taking unique approaches to creating workplace environments that support employee wellbeing. Join us in exploring the intersection of well-being and organizational change management, where employee voices drive meaningful transformation. Attendees will understand the research supporting the links between employee experience at work, workforce well-being, and business outcomes.

Learn more about the discussion.