The sundial on CWRU's Mather Quad with Guilford House in background

Mather Quad sundial has long history on campus

Guess Where photo for July 10, 2017
The original clue from Monday’s issue of The Daily.

Nearly all respondents correctly identified the zodiac sign featured in Monday’s issue of The Daily as part of the sundial on Mather Quad.

The sundial, just off the walkway that connects Clark Hall, Haydn Hall and Guilford House (pictured in full above), has been featured on campus for more than 30 years—but the story goes back much further.

The Mather College campus actually got its first sundial in 1906 (though the one you see there today was installed in 1986). From its start, it played a large role in campus life.

According to The Reserve Handbook of 1928-29: “After student elections, classes hold impromptu rallies around it to cheer their new officers. Our neighbors from the south campus [the men of Adelbert College] find it an attractive rallying spot in their pep rallies before big football games, while Monday night serenaders fresh from fraternity meeting[s] find it indispensable not only for inspiration but for support.”