Law's Juscelino Colares gives presentations, writes three articles for publication The Daily The Daily
Juscelino F. Colares, JD, PhD; Schott-van den Eynden Professor of Business Law, School of Law

Law’s Juscelino Colares gives presentations, writes three articles for publication

ColaresJuscelino F. Colares, the Schott-van den Eynden Professor of Business Law and associate director of the Frederick K. Cox International Law Center, has three forthcoming articles. He also gave numerous presentations late last year.

Colares’ forthcoming articles:

  • “Not COOL: How the Appellate Body Misconstrued the National Treatment Principle, Severely Restricting Agency Discretion to Promulgate Pro-Consumer Labeling Rules” with William Canterberry in 51:1 Journal of World Trade (February 2017) (peer reviewed);
  • “Canada, United States and European Union—Out of Synch on Trade Agreements? Or Are We Sympatico?” in the Canada-United States Law Journal (forthcoming 2017) (requested submission); and
  • “Carbon Mitigation: Pricing Approaches and the Potential for Cross-Border, State-Province Cooperation” in the Canada-United States Law Journal (forthcoming, June 2017) (requested submission).

He gave the following presentations:

  • “Climate Cheaters” for the Institute for the Science of Origins Fellow Presentation at the Happy Dog at Euclid Tavern Dec. 14;
  • “Not COOL: How the Appellate Body Misconstrued the National Treatment Principle and Undermined Pro-Consumer Labeling Laws Everywhere” at the American Society of International Law’s sixth annual Research Forum, hosted by the University of Washington School of Law in Seattle Nov. 11; and
  • “The Presidential Transformation of America’s International Economic Policy: From Protectionism to Market Internationalism” and opening remarks at the inaugural Trade Update Conference, titled “Trade Law Administration and Justice in Changing Times—A Practitioner-Focused Conference on United States International Trade Law and Policy,” sponsored by Case Western Reserve School of Law, American Society of International Law and the Customs and International Trade Bar Association Oct. 28.