Law's Jonathan Adler expressed his doubt the Uvalde school shooting would pressure the U.S. Supreme Court's gun control decision The Daily The Daily
Judge's hammer gavel. Justice and gun
Judge's hammer gavel. Justice and gun. Justice and the judiciary in the unlawful use of of weapons. Judgment in murder.Judge's hammer gavel. Justice and gun. Justice and the judiciary in the unlawful use of of weapons. Judgment in murder.

Law’s Jonathan Adler expressed his doubt the Uvalde school shooting would pressure the U.S. Supreme Court’s gun control decision

Texas school shooting hangs over pending Supreme Court gun rights ruling

Professor Jonathan Adler

Bloomberg: Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of Law, expressed doubt that the latest U.S. mass shooting at a Uvalde, Texas, elementary school would put political pressure on the U.S. Supreme Court, which is expected to limit state and local governments’ ability to enact gun control measures in an upcoming decision.